

[閱讀雜感] Ubuntu Linux 30 天系列 第 5

[閱讀雜感] Ubuntu Linux 30 天 05: You Invited Me to This Party

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(本系列以 Tony Bradley 今年六月在 PC World 發表的 "30 Days With Ubuntu Linux" 為素材,每天寫一篇閱讀感想)

Ubuntu Linux, Day 5: You Invited Me to This Party

之前關於 「Linux 底下,iTunes/iOS 同步不能」 的戰火持續在原作的留言區燃燒, Tony 只好發這篇文章出來滅火了,他提醒大家,是你們邀請我來嘗試 Linux 的啊?你們告訴我 Linux 比較好,尤其 Ubuntu Linux 很適合一般使用者,所以我來親身體驗的啊?

Many of the comments act like I am crashing the party and making fun of the music, but I was invited to this dance. Time and time again I have heard that Linux is better, and I have heard specifically that Ubuntu Linux is the way to go for average users looking for a desktop OS alternative. So, I am here testing that theory out.

然後他認為,(部份Ubuntu Linux支持者)一方面強調已經可以在桌面作業系統平起平坐,一方面卻又要求不同的評判標準,這樣的態度是虛偽、不誠懇的:

It is hypocritical and disingenuous to trumpet the OS as an equal rival in the desktop OS arena, and then ask to be judged by a different set of rules. The majority of the users in the world use Windows--plain and simple. I am doing this project more for the users--like me--who use Windows (or Mac) and are told that Linux is better. The 30 Days With Ubuntu Linux project is aimed at enlightening average users about what to expect from the OS.

接下來 Tony 說了一些好話,他說 Ubuntu Linux 比他想像中更完善,令人印象深刻,而且一般常見的需求(上網、聽音樂、收信、編輯文件)都可以很簡單、直觀的完成。

Honestly, Ubuntu Linux seems much more polished and impressive so far than I would have given it credit for before starting this project. Installing it and taking care of the basic tasks that most users require--surfing the Web, playing music, checking e-mail, and maybe writing an occasional document all seem fairly simple and straight forward to accomplish in this OS. Whether or not that is good enough is going to vary subjectively from user to user.

最後他捧了一下讀者(稱呼大家為 Linux guru),並且提醒大家, Linux 的強項之一就是社群互助,他歡迎建設性的批評:

I truly appreciate the participation from Linux gurus, and the volume of comments on these posts. One of the strengths of Linux is the support of the community, and--as a Linux novice--I am always open to suggestion and constructive criticism. Please feel free to continue sharing your thoughts.

PowerOp:看起來他滅火的能耐還算可以,留言的鄉民也還算克制,大家就繼續看下去吧 :D

[閱讀雜感] Ubuntu Linux 30 天 04: Tweaking the Look and Layout
[閱讀雜感] Ubuntu Linux 30 天 06: In Search of Unity
[閱讀雜感] Ubuntu Linux 30 天30
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